

A. 患者男性,38岁,大便次数增多10余年,大便呈糊状,无脓血,有时有粘液,进食辛辣食物后加重
B. 患者女性,26岁,间断脓血便3年,加重1个月。多次便培养阴性,抗生素治疗无效
C. 患者男性60岁,左下腹痛4个月,便血1个月,体重减轻约5kg
D. 患者女性,22岁,右下腹痛半年,伴低热、盗汗、腹泻。胸片发现浸润型肺结核
E. 患者男性,45岁,间断右下腹痛6年,大便不成形。近1年来间断出现膝关节和踝关节红肿、疼痛。查体右下腹可触及包块



A. 正确
B. 错误

1. public class a { 2. public void method1() { 3. try { 4. B b=new b(); 5. b.method2(); 6. // more code here 7. } catch (TestException te) { 8. throw new RuntimeException(te); 9. } 10. } 11. } 1. public class b { 2. public void method2() throws TestException { 3. // more code here 4. } 5. } 1. public class TestException extends Exception { 2. } Given: 31. public void method() { 32. A a=new a(); 33. a.method1(); 34. } Which is true if a TestException is thrown on line 3 of class b?()

A. Line 33 must be called within a try block.
B. The exception thrown by method1 in class a is not required to be caught.
C. The method declared on line 31 must be declared to throw a RuntimeException.
D. On line 5 of class a, the call to method2 of class b does not need to be placed in a try/catch block.


A. 需要Mop加工处理
B. 可产生IgG和其他类别Ig
C. 有免疫记忆
D. 只引起体液免疫
E. 可诱导细胞免疫

