A. 4
B. 6
C. 10
位于县城的某石油企业为增值税一般纳税人,2014年3月发生以下业务: (1)进口原油5000吨,支付买价2000万元、运抵我国境内输入地点起卸前的运输费用60万元,保险费无法确定。 (2)开采原油9000吨,其中当月销售6000吨,取得不含税销售收入2700万元,同时还向购买方收取延期付款利息3.51万元:取得运输业增值税专用发票注明的运费9万元、税额0.99万元。 (其他相关资料:假定原油的资源税税率为10%、进口关税税率为1%,相关票据已通过主管税务机关比对认证) 要求:根据上述资料,回答下列问题。 计算当月进口原油应缴纳的增值税。
A customer recently installed new SAN with an IBM System Storage DS8300 and several open systems servers to address a need for storage consolidation and still provide good response time. They have asked the Business Partner technical representative for the most complete IBM product that would allow them to do performance reporting of the new SAN environment. What is the best solution()
A. Tivoli Storage Manager
B. Total Productivity Productivity Center for Disk
C. Total Productivity Center Basic Edition
D. Total Storage Productivity Center Standard Editio
A. 医疗费
B. 治疗期间的护理费
C. 因误工减少的收入