根据《中华人民共和国海关法》和《中华人民共和国进出口关税条例》的规定,当事人(纳税义务人)对海关确定的进出口货物的征税、减免税、关税退补持有异议时,应先向海关申请复议,然后再按海关核定的税额缴纳关税,直至向人民法院起诉。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 年
B. 半年
C. 季度
D. 月
A. 正确
B. 错误
听力原文: I would like to thank Professor Watkins for letting me have a few minutes to talk to you about the field trip we will be g6ing on tomorrow. This field trip is a required part of the class. You must participate if you want credit. You will be expected to participate and to keep a journal in your laboratory notebook.
The bus will leave at 9:00am in the morning and we will be returning around 5:00pm. Be on time because we will be leaving promptly. Remember to bring your lunch because we won' t be taking special trips into town to get food. You should also bring some warm clothing in case the weather changes.
I have put together a small handout to orient you during the trip. Please pick up the handout after class and read it tonight. In the handout I discuss the various types of creatures that we will see in the tide pools. The sketches in the handout should help you to distinguish between the different types of creatures that live on the seashore
This should be a fun experience and hopefully you will learn something too. As your leader I will try to make the trip a rewarding one.
Who is the speaker?
A. Professor Watkins.
B. The field trip leader.
C. The driver of the bus.
D. Professor Watkins ' s brother.