The main human activities that cause global warming is()
A. Human production and consumption activities
B. Human consciousness activity
C. Human sports activities
D. Human planting activities
What role does industry play in the relationship between humanity the environment()
A. Industry is the core of human socio-economic system
B. Industry is the core of the relationship between material and Energy
C. Industry is the core of the human Socio-economic system and natural resource-environment system
D. Industry is the core of natural resources and environment system
Which of the following is out of the concerned environment problems in present course()
A. Resource shortage
B. Some environmental pollutants exceed the standard
C. Ecological environment deterioration
D. Over-population
The parameter A in the IPAT equation can be expressed as()
B. CO2 emissions
C. Indoor temperature
D. Per capita housing area
How to translate 诸子百家 in English()
A. The Hundred Schools of Thought
B. The Schools of Thought
C. The Hundred Ways of Thought
D. The Hundred Kinds of Thought