
Which are the colours of life-saving appliances()

A. Orange, green or yellow
B. Orange, red or yellow
C. Orange, blue or green
D. Orange, yellow or green


What does “Finished with engine” mean()

A. The movement of the engine is no longer required
B. The work of the engine has been stopped
C. Everything is done
D. The ship should be stopped

What should you do when you receive a wheel order()

A. Repeat, carry it out and report
B. Carry it out and then repeat
C. Repeat and report
D. Carry it out and then report

- I went to Japan during the summer vacation.-_____! You’ll have to show me the photos sometimes()

A. How dare you
B. No way
C. Sounds terrible
D. Sounds great
E. Cool


A. select name from reviewer,rating where reviewer.rid=rating.rid group by reviewer.rid
B. select name from reviewer,rating where reviewer.rid=rating.rid having count(stars)>=3
C. select name from reviewer,rating group by reviewer.rid having count(stars)>=3
D. select name from reviewer,rating group by reviewer.rid where count(stars)>=3
