listening mp3
A. They must endure wear and tear.
B. They must be of the same size.
C. They must be made from a rare material.
D. They must follow some common standards.
listening mp3
A. They look more traditional.
B. They look more official.
C. They are favored by airlines.
D. They are easily identifiable.
listening mp3
A. For beauty.
B. For variety.
C. For visibility.
D. For security.
方女士,21岁,未婚,月经规律,在月经来潮前数小时出现剧烈下腹痛,持续1 -2d,每次均需服布洛芬才能缓解疼痛。B超检查提示子宫大小、形态正常,双侧附件未见异常。最有可能的情况是( )。
A. 急性盆腔炎
B. 原发性痛经
C. 子宫内膜异位症
D. 无排卵性功血