
Only a minute amount is needed. What does minute mean in this context?

A. any very short period of time
B. very small
C. 60 seconds
D. precise or detailed


He is always ready to oblige journalists with information. What does oblige mean in this sentence?

A. to do a favour to someone
B. to compel someone by legal, moral, or physical means to do something
C. to do or receive good
D. to place (someone) under legal or moral obligation

I was obliged to answer their questions. Obliged is synonymous with__________________?

A. forced
B. glad
C. happy
D. willing

He’s been ‘relocated’, which is ________________ for ‘given a worse job a long way away’.

A. short
B. equivalent
C. shorthand
D. equal

They have been living under the most ______________ conditions.

A. appalling
B. appealing
C. appearing
D. disappearing
