How was the Netherlands involved in the defeat of the Spanish Armada?
A. It was the location of the major land battles.
B. England and Spain supported opposite sides of a religious conflict there.
C. Both England and Spain hoped to establish colonies there.
D. Spain’s ships were all built in the Netherlands.
The Battle of Gravelines ensured the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
A. 对
B. 错
The failed attempt of the Spanish Armada to invade England in 1588 had positive impact on the spread of Protestantism.
A. 对
B. 错
为提高旋风分离器的效率,当气体处理量较大时,应采用( )。
A. 几个小直径的分离器并联
B. 几个大直径的并联分离
C. 几个小直径的分离器串联
D. 几个大直径的串联分离
颗粒的沉降在层流区域时,尘气的除尘以( )为好。
A. 不必换热,马上进行分离
B. 冷却后进行
C. 加热后进行