[音频]33. A) They help us see the important values of a culture.B) They guide us in handling human relationships.C) They help us express ourselves more effectively.D) They are an infinite source of human knowledge.34 .A) Their wordings may become different.B) The values they reflect may change.C) Their origins can no longer be traced.D) They may be misinterpreted.35A.Certain values are shared by a large number of cultures.B.Some proverbs are assuming more and more importance.C.Old proverbs are constantly replaced by new ones.D.Certain values have always been central to a culture.
A. S.b,sum,average,_above
B. class,day,lotus_1,2day
D. md,&12x,month,student_n!
E. D56,r_1_2,name,_st_1
【单选题】C语言程序从main()函数开始执行,所以这个函数要写在( ).
A. 程序文件的开始
B. 程序文件的最后
C. 程序文件的任何位置(除别的函数体内)
D. 它所调用的函数的前面
【单选题】完成C源文件编辑后、到生成执行文件,C语言处理系统必须执行的步骤依次为( ).
A. 连接、编译
B. 编译、连接
C. 连接、运行
D. 运行