

A. 组块化是一种思维的跃进,根据意义将信息碎片拼接起来
B. 组块指的是存在于我们大脑中的一些小而紧凑的信息包
C. 神经组块的概念也可运用于人类能够掌握的其他领域如运动、音乐、舞蹈等
D. 小的组块不能形成大的组块



A. 成为团队的一部分,尽快找到自己的团队,并确保其他成员也都认真负责的学习
B. 组建团队,相互帮助,客服恐惧
C. 如何在失败和挫折中保持斗志()。
D. 时刻关注着最终的目标,并为之奋斗


A. 过度识记是有意义的,它能帮助使得行为自动化
B. 在紧张的时候,自动性很有用
C. 在某单一学习阶段的重复性过度识记,可能对宝贵的学习时间造成浪费
D. 专注于学习的困难部分称为刻意训练

Task 2Dear Mr.Li Dong,I am pleased to confirm that you have a conditional offer of a place at the University of Luton.You should arrive in time for Welcome Week, which begins on 16th September, 2015. Teaching begins on 30th September, 2015. However, the University will admit students up to two weeks after this date.You have been made a conditional offer. As soon as you have met the conditions set for you, plcase inform International Admissions in writing by letter or fax with a copy of your certificate if applicable. International students in their first year of study at Luton can apply for a place to stay in the university. You should therefore ensure that you or your sponsor can provide at lcast £600 per month to support yourself. All students whose first language is not English are expected to obtain formal English proficiency certificates.Please return the attached Reply Slip to us as soon as possible, indicating whether or not you wish to accept the conditional place offered to you. We look forward to hearing from you again soon. If you have any questions about your offer or your stay in the university, please do not hesitate to contact International Admissions.41.Welcome Week of the University starts on____________.

A)16th September
B) 30th September
C)7th October
D)14th October

42.What should Li Dong do when he has met the conditions set for him?

A) Prepare a copy of his resume.
B) Travel to the UK immediately.
C) Inform International Admissions.
D) Send a short notice to his sponsor.
