
Directions: Read the following statements and then decide whether each of them is true or false based on the information in the text. Mark T for True and F for False.1)_____Stevie was mentally handicapped by Down's syndrome.2)_____Within a month the truck regulars loved Stevie because he was dumpy and cute.3)_____Stevie puckered his brows while working because he didn't like being watched by customers.4)_____It was not surprising for Stevie to have heart problems as a patient with Down's syndrome.5) _____ Belle Ringer was a 50-year-old grandmother of four who worked in the restaurant as the head waitress.6) _____ On the day of Stevie's surgery, some restaurant customers left $160 for him.7) _____ During the past three months, Stevie's placement worker called 10 times to confirm Stevie's job in the restaurant.8) _____ The owner gave Stevie and his mother free breakfast to celebrate his coming back.9)_____Stevie was asked to clean up the big table because the owner was unhappy about his absence for the three months.10)_____People were shouting, shaking hands and hugging each other because it was Thanksgiving.



A. 应自左至右、呈鱼鳞状均匀排列粘贴
B. 一般粘贴2行,每行4-5张,
C. 在粘贴线内均匀粘贴,上、下及右方不得超出粘贴线,两列之间不得重叠、留空或大量累压粘贴。
D. 原始凭证应保持原样粘贴,有奖发票应去掉对奖联,个别规格参差不齐的凭证,可先裁边整理后再行粘贴,但必须保证原始凭证内容的完整性。
E. abcB.acC.acdDabcd


A. 后,后B后,前C前,后D前,前


A. 摘除凭证内的金属物(如订书钉、大头针、回形针),对大的张页或附件要折叠成同记账凭证大小,且要避开装订线,以便翻阅保持数字完整。
B. 整理检查凭证顺序号,序号每季度一编。如有颠倒要重新排列,发现缺号要查明原因。再检查附件有否漏缺,领料单、入库单、工资、奖金发放单是否随附齐全。
C. 按凭证汇总日期归集(如按上、中、下旬汇总归集)确定装订成册的本数。
D. 装订凭证厚度一般在1.5厘米,这才能保证装订牢固,美观大方。


A. 可以不加盖封面,但封面纸要用上好的牛皮纸印制
B. 封面规格略小于所附记账凭证
C. 封面上应注明单位名称、年度、月份和起讫日期、凭证种类、起讫号码
D. 由出纳人员在装订线封签外签名或者盖章。
