
Task 1: There are five short dialogues about leadership skill development. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.Q: Which skill does the woman need help with?[音频]

A. Creative thinking.
B. Motivation.
D. Problem solving.


Task 1: There are five short dialogues about leadership skill development. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.Q: Why would the son be a good person to run the company?[音频]

A. Because he has experience running companies.
Because he wants to run the company.
C. Because he enjoys working at the company.
D. Because he knows a lot about the company.

Task 1: There are five short dialogues about leadership skill development. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.Q: Why would Mario make a good supervisor?[音频]

A. Because he's positive and friendly.
Because he's honest and reliable.
C. Because he's trustworthy and responsible.
D. Because he's motivating and encouraging.

关于胆囊的叙述,下列哪项是错误的?( )

A. 具有产生、贮存和浓缩胆汁的功能
B. 分底、体、颈、管四部
C. 属于肝外胆道的一部分
D. 在肝的脏面借结缔组织与肝相连
E. 胆囊底多露出于肝下缘

关于胆总管的叙述,下列哪项是正确的?( )

A. 由肝右管和肝左管汇合而成
B. 起始段在肝胃韧带内
C. 经十二指肠上部的后方下行
D. 经胰头与十二指肠下部之间走行
E. 直接开口于十二指肠大乳头
