
第二节 完型填空
You are being given an opportunity that a lot of others would die for, but that doesn’t mean it is the best 【B1】 for you to take. Since you have already been to America you know what to expect, 【B2】 I think you have pretty good grounds to decide for yourself which you would prefer to do--go or stay. All I would like to do is to 【B3】 you of some of the advantages and disadvantages of going to live abroad. Some of these come from 【B4】 own personal experience of living in China. The benefits of going to America would include things like: better living conditions; access to the most up-to-date technologies in the workplace and for entertainment; the opportunity to learn about a different 【B5】 ; and you could see new places and perfect your 【B6】 If you were to return to 【B7】 after several years, I'm sure all of these skills would put you in a position to be very successful 【B8】 whatever career you choose to pursue (追寻). You have some 【B9】 and friends in America already, so you have someone to turn 【B10】 when you need help or are feeling 【B11】 .
Here are some of the 【B12】 of living in a foreign country. The most obvious one for you is the 【B13】 barrier. You will have a disadvantage 【B14】 to American job applicants (申请人) and the number of jobs you can apply for will be 【B15】 . You won’t be able to eat the food you are used to, unless your relatives cook authentic (真实的) 【B16】 . dishes every day. Racial prejudice (种族歧视). This you could meet with at work, in the 【B17】 of lower wages for example, and in many social situations.
By listing advantages and disadvantages in this way, it becomes 【B18】 which choice would be better for you. Just remember, both outcomes will have their advantages and once you make the decision don't look 【B19】 .
Put 【B20】 your positive energy into the path you choose. You are a bright young person, so I'm sure you will do well no matter what.

A. time
B. road
C. path
D. place



A. 行政合法性原则
B. 行政合理性原则
C. 行政应急性原则
D. 行政合情性原则


A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 标记交换路由器和标记边缘路由器
B. 标记分发路由器和标记边缘路由器
C. 标记分发路由器和标记传送路由器
D. 标记传送路由器和标记交换路由器


A. 甲某承包水塘养鱼,为防止他人偷鱼,在水塘四周架设电网,晚上通电,白天关电。某小学生傍晚下水游泳,触电身亡
B. 乙某购买工业酒精兑制大量有毒白酒出售,致13人中毒死亡
C. 丙某欲报复公安人员,某晚,丙某听到有摩托车开往挽留所的声音后迅速用粗铁丝系在公路两边的树上,民警执行完任务后经过该处时,被铁丝勒伤致使摩托车失控造成甲死亡、乙重伤,且有一名行人丁被铁丝绊倒而摔伤致残
D. 司机丁在半山腰对客车检修后上车重新启动,因刹车失灵,车突然下滑10余米,甲惊惶失措,闪身跳车,客车失控滑下山崖,造成10多名乘客死亡
