

A. 1997年
B. 1998年
C. 1999年
D. 2000年



Mexican fans and their contribution to football culture are simple to spot. At certain points of sports events, sections of a stadium crowd will suddenly stand up, wave their arms in the air, roar for their team and then sit down again. Others next to them jump to their feet seconds later. The combined movements look like a wave, rippling around the stadium.
"The Mexican wave" went global at the 1986 World Cop in Mexico. While there may have been waves before, this was the first time "La Ola ", as the Mexicans call it, featured widely on TV.
While Mexicans will no doubt be making waves in Germany, another famous export may not be appearing. Mexican TV's celebrity clown Borzoi, the creation of comedian Victor Trujillo, reported from the last three World Cup's. Trujilo stopped playing the character after his wife's death in 2004.
Sadly for fans, crowd-pleasing striker Guauhtemoc Blanco will definitely not be there. The 33year-old is famed for his "bunny hop", where he hops past opponents with the ball clasped between his ankles. Last week he complained about being left off the team, saying there was "no valid argument" for leaving him behind.
Which of the following is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Football culture owes a lot to the Mexican football fans.
B. The Mexican football fans owes a lot to football culture.
C. The Mexican football fans' celebration.
D. The Mexican football fans' cheering for their team.


A. 具体内容应具有针对性
B. 一般分阶段编写
C. 基本构成内容应当力求统一
D. 应当遵循建设工程的运行规律


A. 考虑现场情况。救援工作开始之前,急救人员应对事故现场进行考察,现场周围如有损坏的电线或有毒气体等,应先将其排除后再救援
B. 保护事故现场。在来车方向距事故现场50m处树立警告标志,防止其他车辆进入事故现场。尽快将事故车辆固定下来,在车轮前后放上障碍物或将车轮放气,以保证车轮在救援的过程中不能够移动
C. 检查和急救受伤人员。救援人员要检查受伤人员的伤势以确定救援工作的速度和方法。如果汽车被撞变形,受伤人员无法移动,应使用专门的救援工具把汽车部件移动或去除,将车中被困人员救出。如果医疗救护人员未到现场,救援人员应对受伤人员进行必要的急救
D. 拨打紧急救援电话。拨打统一的急救电话,拨打电话的人应说清以下4个重要问题:事故发生的地点、事故的类型、受伤的人数和伤势
E. 清理现场。当交通警察勘察完现场后,救援人员应拖走事故汽车并清扫路面,协助警察尽快恢复正常的交通秩序
