Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Has the Pleistocene Epoch Ended?
B. Another Ice Age in the Geologic Future Is Coming?
C. The Ice Ages: Are They Over?
D. Glacial Ice Will Be Present in Different Places?
The phrase "be well on with" in Paragraph 1 most probably means ______.
A. to get prepared to do
B. to get along well with
C. to try to complete
D. to be very good at
In addition to breathing with its lungs, an adult frog has the ability to breathe through
A. spout
B. gills
C. skin
D. tongue
在元代画家的笔下,花鸟画已经成为借物抒情、托物言志的途径,这种发展无疑丰富了花鸟画的内涵。发展至明清时期,许多花鸟画家更把家国观念、道德品评、祈求幸福等传统的人文精神寄托于画中,有些画家甚至将花鸟内容个性化,借以表达喜怒哀乐。[大]此,画家创作时重视追求境界多于形似,因而特别讲究笔墨运用,注重意境。他们不把绘画称为“画画”,而叫“写画”,确实有其原因。 这段文字意在()。
A. 比较元代和明清绘画技法的不同
B. 叙述古代花鸟画的演变过程
C. 解释“画画”和“写画”的区别
D. 强调明清花鸟画的创作更加注重意境