Apart from massacres, large numbers of Aborigines also died because of ___
A. the European way of living
B. the firearms of the white settlers
C. the impact of diseases introduced intoAustralia by the white settlers
D. the resistance put up by the Aborgines
It is assumed that the first Europeans who reachedAustralia's shores were ___
A. Dutch
B. English
C. Germans
D. Spanish and Portuguese
In 1788Australia was settled by the British as a colony founded to___
A. receive free settlers
B. supply Britain with wool and food
C. receive convicts from Britain
D. expand Britain's imperial power
Australia's national day,Australia Day, is on ___
A. January 1
B. January 18
C. January 26
D. January 31
___ became the financial and commercial center ofAustralia during the Gold Rush, attracted British investment and dominated rural exports.
A. Melbourne
B. Sydney
D. Brisbane