Antimicrobial (tetracycline) Susceptibility test detect MIC of 8ug/ML for bacterium A and MIC of 64ug/ML for bacterium B, the therapeutic concentration in blood is 16ug/Ml. which statement is right?
A. Bacterium A is drug resistant , Bacterium B is drug susceptible
Bacterium A is drug susceptible, Bacterium B is drug resistant
C. Bacterium A, B are drug resistant
D. Bacterium A,B are drug susceptible
Antimicrobial Susceptibility test using disk diffusion method shows that the diameter of inhibition zone is 20mm for gentamicin, 7mm for cephalosporin. Which statement is right?
A. The tested bacteria is resistant to Gentamicin, susceptible to cephalosporin
B. The tested bacteria is susceptible to cephalosporin and Gentamicin
C. The tested bacteria is resistant to cephalosporin and Gentamicin;
D. The tested bacteria is resistant to cephalosporin, susceptible to Gentamicin;
Which of the following methods is the active immunization?
A. injection with gamma-globulins
B. transfer of IgG from mother to fetus
C. injection of toxoid
D. transfer of colostral IgA from mother to baby
Which statement is right about passive immunization?
A. It provides immediate protection
B. It activates B cells.
C. Its protection lasts for whole life.
D. It induces antibody production.
Which of the following can be used to determine a pathogen that causes a specific disease?
A. Fleming’s postulates;
B. Paster’s postulates
C. Koch’s postulates;
D. Lister’s postulates;