快递服务大体上分为国内快递业务和国际及港澳台快递业务两类。这两类业务除了覆盖地理范围与进出口要求不同外,在另外三个方面大致相同,不包括: ( )
A. 业务流程
B. 服务模式
C. 付费方式
D. 赔偿方式
包裹类快件不包括( )。
A. 各种馈赠品
B. 商业货样
C. 日用品
D. 商务文件
( )国际快递服务可采用代理报关办法。
A. 对
B. 错
Good morning, everyone. It’s my honor to introduce1(whom?) to you. Professor Waters is from 2(which country?). She will teach us English 3 (when?). Professor Waters is an experienced teacher. She has taught English 4 (where?). She is a very good teacher and she is really an expert in 5(what?). She is the author of 6 (what?) in this field. So, it is a pleasure for us to have her as 7(who?) here. Now, let’s welcome her to say 8(what?) to us!
上门揽收与网点收寄两种收寄方式的主要区别是( ) 。
A. 资费不同
B. 接收快件地点不同
C. 接收快件地点相同
D. 包装方式不同