
标签表示一个图像信息, 它有一个必须要指定的____属性,用来指定图片。


stage One: __________--- The first pages are full of praise for her new husband. He relived again the early successes of his political career.

Stage Two: ________--- He skipped on. His own name occurred less frequently. His interest slackened. Some of the entries conveyed nothing to him. (LL.122~123)

Stage Three: _________--- Who was B.M.? He could not fill in the initials. (LL.124~125)

Stage Four: ___________--- So B. M. was a man -- no doubt one of those "intellectuals" as they call themselves, who are so violent, as Angela said, and so narrow-minded.--- Gilbert knew the type, and had no liking for this particular specimen, whoever B. M. might be.--- He could also see him quite distinctly -- a stubby little man, with a rough beard, red tie, dressed as they always did in tweeds, who had never done an honest day's work in his life. Surely Angela had the sense to see through him?
