
What special is the chairJessie sits inat the dentist's?

A. It can go left and right.
B. It can goup and down.
C. It can goforward and back.
D. It can goout and in.


What is found when the dentist check Jake's teeth?

Asmall hole in one of his teeth.
B. A Dental macula.
C. A wedge shaped defect.
D. A special disease

What should children learn to take care of their teeth?

A. They should be careful what they eat and drink.
B. Theymust brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
C. They should not eat sugar as sugar is bad to their teeth.
D. They should not drink.

下列情况中,需要进行全面财产清查的有( )。

A. 年终决算之前
B. 清产核资
C. 单位撤销或合并
D. 资产重组或改变隶属关系

财产清查按清查时间可分为( )。

A. 定期清查
B. 全面清查
C. 不定期清在
D. 局部清查
