
The president sent the agreement negotiated in the last year of the Clinton administration to Congress Friday. In his message to Congress, Mr. Bush said ratification will continue the historic process of normalizing overall ties between the former enemies.
Mr. Bush noted that the agreement would increase opportunities for U. S. business by requiring Vietnam to remove a wide range of trade barriers. The agreement would also put Vietnamese exports on the same tariff basis as the majority of U. S. trading partners. The president said the agreement has strong support in Congress and among Vietnam War veterans.
Which one of the following is NOT true?

A. The U.S. Congress has ratified the agreement to normalize U.S. trade with Vietnam.
B. The agreement was negotiated in the last year.
C. President Bush wanted to normalize overall ties between U.S. and Vietnam.
D. The agreement has strong support among Vietnam War veterans.



A. yet
B. nevertheless
C. but
D. or


A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 1级
B. 2级
C. 3级
D. 4级
E. 5级


A. 正确
B. 错误
