
爱国主义体现了人们对自己祖国的深厚感情,揭示了个人对祖国的依存关系。当前爱国主义的基本内涵包括( )。

A. 爱祖国的大好河山
B. 爱自己的骨肉同胞
C. 爱祖国灿烂的文化
D. 爱自己的国家


听下列短文,请补充完成。 Over the years, the way people do different jobs has changed. Cars, electricity, computers, and other types of 1 have changed the way work is done.

Some 2 change.

We may no longer need people to do 3 jobs, and we may need people to do new jobs.

We like to talk on the phone. Long ago, telephone 4 used a switchboard to connectpeople making calls.
