在其它条件相同的情况下,95%的置信区间要比90%的置信区间( )
A. 要宽
B. 要窄
C. 相同
D. 可能宽也可能窄
Inventorycostconsistsoftwoelements:beginninginventoryand( ).
A. endinginventory
B. costofgoodspurchased
C. costofgoodssold
D. costofgoodsavailableforsale
Beginning inventory is $30 000, ending inventory is $25 000, and cost of goods purchased is $45 000. What is cost of goods sold?
A. $10 000
B. $40 000
C. $45 000
D. $50 000
When an entity using a periodic inventory system pays shipping cost on inventory it has purchased, it debits:
A. Inventory
B. Purchases
C. Freight-in
Delivery Expense
Gross purchases are $17 000, purchase returns and allowances are $3000, and Freight-in is $1000. Cost of purchases is :
A. $17 000
B. $14 000
C. $13 000
D. $15 000