A. 负责编制施工组织设计,统一制定各项管理目标,组织编制年、季、月施工计划、物资需用量计划表,实施对工程质量、工期、安全生产、文明施工、计量检测、实验化验的控制、监督、检查和验收
B. 负责工程测量定位、沉降观测、技术交底,组织图纸会审,统一安排技术档案资料的收集整理及交工验收
C. 按时提供图纸,及时交付材料、设备,所提供的施工机械设备、周转材料、安全设施保证施工需要
D. 按合同约定,向劳务分包人索取劳动报酬
E. 负责与发包人、监理、设计及有关部门联系,协调现场工作关系
Who are the people that use too much soap in modern life?
A. Hairdressers.
B. Many young women.
C. People whose hands are red and ugly.
D. People whose hands are soapy.
why didn't people wash in those days long ago?
Well, they did not have water in their house. They carried water from rivers or from holes in the ground (= wells). Towns people bought it from a water--carrier. Sometimes it was expensive; and soap was always expensive. They drank water, of course; and so they were clean inside. They did not think about the outside! And this is true; they just did not like a bath.
Modern life is different. We use a lot of soap and water. And we are all quite clean. However, a few people use too much soap; and they often get ill. Who are these people?
Many young women work as hairdressers. They wash and then "dress" other women's hair. That is their job, and they like it. Young hairdressers sometimes wash dirty heads on a busy day! Their hands are soapy for seven or eight hours; and that is not a good thing. A young hairdresser's hands are often red and ugly; and she must then go to doctor.
Long ago, people ______.
A. often died young
B. did not often have a bath
C. washed every day
D. washed every day and died young
The doctor answered that ______.
A. he knew the young man was dirty
B. it was true that the young man was ill
C. soap and water were not good fo his illness
D. he knew the young man never washed his body