
I. For Part 1 True or False1. Baker had never thought of becoming a writer untilhe was in the eleventh grade.

A. 对
B. 错


2. Teachers found it painful to read students’ long and lifeless essays.

A. 对
B. 错

3. Before Mr. Fleagle became the English teacher for Baker’s class, the English course had been interesting.

A. 对
B. 错

4. In Baker’s opinion, Mr. Fleagle was really a formal, rigid and out-of-date teacher only because of Fleagle’s manner of speaking.

A. 对
B. 错


A. 稳态条件下交流系统的频率具有同一性,而系统中各节点电压不同;
B. 保证频率质量的首要每件是有充足的有功各用,保证电压质量的首要条件是有充足的无功备用;
C. 有功电源单一, 无功电源多种多样;
D. 无功电源不消耗一决拖嚣;有功电谏则需要消耗一次能
E. 调频手段单一,集中进行; 调压手段多种多样,分散进行,
