Where does Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy take place?
A. By the pool
B. At Nick’s house
C. At the golf tournament 比赛
D. At the yacht[jɔt] 快艇 race
Who drives the car that kills Myrtle?
A. Jordan
B. Daisy
C. Gatsby
D. Tom
When he was a poor army lieutenant , Gatsby had fallen in love with __________, Nick's beautiful cousin,
Linux系统中通过Samba服务可以实现基于Linux操作系统的服务器和基于Windows操作系统的客户端之间的文件、目录和共享打印服务。Linux系统中Samba的主配置文件是/etc/samba/smb.conf。请根据以下的smb.conf配置文件,在空(1)~(7)中填写恰当的内容。[global]workgroup = MYGROUPnetbios name=smb-serverserver string = Samba Server;hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127.load printers = yessecurity = user[printers]comment = My Printerbrowseable = yespath = /usr/spool/sambaguest ok = yeswritable = noprintable = yes[public]comment = Public Testbrowseable = yespath = /home/sambapublic = yeswritable = yesprintable = nowrite list = @test[user1dir]comment = User1's Servicebrowseable = nopath = /usr/usr1valid users = user1public = nowritable = yesprintable = no请根据上述说明回答下列问题:Linux 服务器启动 Samba 服务后,在客户机的 “网络邻居”中显示提供共享服务的Linux 主机名为①,在客户端看到的共享目录有打印机共享目录和②,能够通过Samba服务读写/home/samba中的内容的用户是_ ③,该共享权限为④;能够访问/usr/user1中的内容的用户是⑤。
利用Apache服务建立普通Web站点、基于主机和用户认证的访问控制,要求如下:(1)Apache服务器IP地址为192.168.100.100,使用域名www.rj.com进行访问;(2)网站根目录为/data/web_data;(3)网站首页为index.html。修改Apache主配置文件,添加以下内容。[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf/①……ServerName②DocumentRoot "③"AllowOverride NoneRequire all grantedDirectoryIndex④……