3. The man works for Infinite Time.
Though the economy is bad, is __________ about the future.Every company no matter what type, is a separate _________.________ is a company owned by just a few people.Reporting most-likely scenarios is key to the principle of _________.__________ means not letting feelings and opinions get in the way.
A. 包含一种轻视态度
B. 和现代小说是完全不同的两个概念
C. 和现代小说概念是完全相同的
D. 指琐屑浅薄的言论与小道理之意
A. 志人小说
B. 志怪小说
C. 白话小说
D. 世情小说
在长期的封建社会里,小说一向受到正统文人的鄙视。中国古代小说始终处于 地位。直到晚清梁启超等发起的“ ”时,小说才逐渐成为与诗歌、散文、戏剧等并列的文学文体之一, 并确立文学中心地位。