
Questions are based on the following passage.
New Stanford research reveals that farmers in Europe will see crop yields affected as global temperatures rise, but that adaptation can help slow the decline for some crops.
For corn, the anticipated loss is roughly 10 percent, the research shows.
Farmers of these crops have already seen yield growth slow down since 1980 as temperatures have risen, though other policy and economic factors have also played a role.
"The results clearly showed that modest amounts of climate change can have a big impact on yields of several crops in Europe," said Stanford doctoral student Frances Moore, who conducted the research with David Lobell, an associate professor of environmental Earth system science.
Moore described the results as somewhat surprising because Europe is fairly cool. "So you might think it would benefit from moderate amounts of warming,"she said. "Our next step was to actually measure the potential of European farmers to adapt to these impacts."
"By adaptation, we mean a range of options based on existing technologies,such as switching varieties of a crop, installing irrigation or growing a different crop, one better suited to wanner temperatures," said Lobell. "These things have been talked about for a long time, but the novelty (新奇) of this study was using past data to quantify (量化) the actual potential of adaptation to reduce climate change impacts. We find that in some cases adaptation could substantially reduce impacts, but in other cases the potential may be very limited with current technologies."
Moore pointed out that the biggest issues are often how quickly farmers in Europe will adapt to climate change (adaptation uncertainty) and how crop yields will respond to climate change (response uncertainty).
"This paper has shown that crops in Europe are sensitive to wanning and that adaptation can be important in reducing that impact," Moore said. "The next question is how quickly farmers will use the available options for adapting.
Europe has already seen a lot of warming, so we should expect to already see adaptation if farmers are quick to respond to climate signals,"
What does the new Stanford research show? 查看材料

A. People can do nothing about global wanning.
B. The influence of global temperature rise is increasing.
C. People can do something to slow the decline for some crops.
D. All crops" yields will decline as global temperatures rise.




猎狗与兔子 一条猎狗将兔子赶出了窝,一直追赶它,追了很久仍没有抓到。猎人看到此种情景,责怪猎狗说:“你们两个之间小的反而跑得快。”猎狗回答说:“你不知道我们两个跑的目的是完全不同的!我仅仅为了一顿饭而跑,而它却是为了性命而跑呀!” 猎人想:猎狗说得对。于是,猎人就买来几条猎狗,凡是能够抓到兔子的,就可以得到几根骨头,抓不到兔子的就没有饭吃,这一招果然奏效,猎狗们纷纷努力去追兔子,因为谁也不愿看见别人吃骨头,自己却没有。 过了一段时间,问题又出现了,大兔子非常难抓,而小兔子好抓,抓到了大兔子得到的奖赏和抓到小兔子得到的骨头差不多,猎狗中善于观察的发现了这个窍门,就专抓小兔子,慢慢的大家都发现了这个窍门。猎人对猎狗们说:“最近你们抓的兔子越来越小了,为什么?”猎狗说:“反正不会有太大的区别,为什么要去抓大的呢?” 猎人在猎狗中引进了竞争机制,这在一定时间内收到了效果。但是随着时间的推移,骨头对于猎狗们来说,诱惑力会越来越小,猎人经过思考后,决定不再将分骨头的数量与是否抓到兔子挂钩。而采用每过一段时间就统计一次抓到兔子的总重量。按照重量来评价猎狗,决定一段时间内的待遇。 于是猎狗们抓到兔子的数量和重量都增加了,猎人很开心。但是,过了一段时间,猎人发现猎狗们抓的兔子的数量又下降了。而且越有经验的猎狗,抓的兔子的数量下降的越厉害。于是猎人又去问猎狗。 猎狗说:“我们把最好的时间都奉献给了您,但是我们随着时间的推移会衰老,当我们抓不到兔子的时候,您还会给我们骨头吃吗?” 猎人决定,论功行赏。分析与汇总了所有猎狗抓到兔子的数量与重量,规定如果抓到的兔子超过了一定的数量后,即使抓不到兔子,每顿饭都可以得到一定数量的骨头。猎狗们都很高兴,大家都努力达到猎人规定的数量。 终于,一些猎狗达到了猎人规定的数量。这其中,有一只聪明的猎狗对猎狗们说:“我们这么努力,只是得到了几根骨头,而我们抓到的猎物却远远超过了这几根骨头,我们为什么不能给自己抓兔子呢?”于是,有些猎狗离开了猎人,自己抓兔子去了。(四川大学2007年研)问题:

