Number three: ___________ are important.Your advisor is a valued member of the organization, and their ________ should be valued.
A. advisors,input
B. advisors,output
C. attendants,input
D. attendants, output
Why don't we take a moment to highlight some guidelines that make running a meeting ___________ and ___________.
A. smooth, inefficient
B. smooth,efficient
C. smoothly, inefficient
D. smoothly, efficient
光线跟踪算法中包含了哪些光照效果( )。
A. 仅有光反射
B. 仅有光投射
C. 有光反射和光投射
D. 都没有
A. 对
B. 错
已知学生记录描述为structstudent{intno;charname[20];charsex;struct{intyear; intmonth; intday;}birth;};structstudents;设变量s中的“生日”应是“1984年11月11日
A. year=1984;month=11;day=11;
B. birth.year=1984;birth.month=11;;
C. s.year=1984;s.month=11;;
D. s.birth.year=1984;s.birth.month=11;;