增值税的计税依据销售额中,价外费用不包含的项目有( )。包装物租金受托加工应税消费品代收代缴的消费税增值税款包装费
A. 包装物租金
B. 受托加工应税消费品代收代缴的消费税
C. 增值税款
D. 包装费
下列关于增值税特殊销售方式的表述,正确的有( )。
A. 销售折扣发生在销货之后,是一种融资性质的理财费用,销售折扣不得从销售额中扣除
B. 直销企业通过直销员向消费者销售货物,直接向消费者收取货款,直销企业的销售额为其向消费者收取的全部价款和价外费用
C. 金银首饰以旧换新业务,应按新货物的同期销售价格作为计税依据
D. 一般纳税人提供的客运场站服务,以其取得的全部价款和价外费用,扣除支付给承运方运费后的余额为销售额,其从承运方取得的增值税专用发票注明的增值税,不得抵扣
纳税人视同销售的销售额的确定顺序为( )。
A. 当月同类货物的最高销售价格
B. 纳税人最近时期同类货物的平均销售价格
C. 其他纳税人最近时期同类货物的平均销售价格
D. 组成计税价格
下列各项中,允许从增值税计税销售额中扣除的有( )。A销售额开在同一张发票上的折扣额B销售折扣额C销售折让额D销售退货额
A. 销售额开在同一张发票上的折扣额
B. 销售折扣额
C. 销售折让额
D. 销售退货额
Listen to the following speech twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Ladies and gentleman:My name is David Truman and I am the 1._______ of Simons Facilities Corporation. Thank you for inviting me to speak here today about future energy technologies. 2.________, let me introduce our company, SFC, to you.Simply put, SFC is one company with two lines of 3._______—power and water, and our history dates back to over 100 years ago. Today we are one of the 50 largest companies in the UK. More than 20,000 of our employees build and 4._______ power and water facilities in England, Scotland and Wales.With this 5.__________ as background, now I would like to come to the topic of my speech today: What new energy technologies are there and where can they take us?