Excel 2010提供了全新的“迷你图”功能,利用它,仅在一个单元格中便可绘制出简洁、漂亮的小图表,还可以使用“迷你图工具”对其进行美化。
A: Good morning, Madam, 1 ?B: Well, you see, I bought two bottles of wine from you on Monday. It was a special promotion, your ‘wine of the month’offer.A: Oh yes, 2, we gave you a very good price on that one, 30 per cent off if you bought two bottles, wasn’t it?B: Yes, that’s right. It was one of the main reasons I bought the bottles, the price was right. But when my husband and I tried one of the bottles, we found the wine was much too sweet.A: Really? 3by ‘much too sweet’?B: Well, like fruit juice. And when I offered a glass to my neighbour, she took one sip, then said, ‘Sorry, this wine’s too sweet for me. 4?’A: Mmm, I can’t understand that, I’m afraid. Well, what did you do next?
Match the sentences with their endings
PowerPoint2010演示文稿的默认扩展名是( )。
A. Ptt
B. Xlsx
C. Pptx
D. docx
A. 在“文件”选项卡中选择“退出”命令
B. 单击窗口右上角的“关闭”按钮
C. 按Alt+F4组合键
D. 按Esc键