
Q. There’s a lot of talk about putting up manned orbital stations. What does this mean, concretely A. It is very important to have scientific stations in space. A space telescope with a mirror slightly over six and a half feet in diameter will be placed in orbit, and there will be more and more of these. A few years ago, our group at Saclay, in collaboration with a number of other European Laboratories, orbited a telescope that revolutionized our knowledge of gamma ray emissions by celestial objects. Life aboard manned space stations won’t be as exciting as we might suppose. It will probably be comparable to the life people lead aboard deep-sea oil rigs. Q. What scientific interest will these stations offer A. Observation is much more precise beyond the atmosphere, because the sky is darker. You see many more stars and objects that are concealed by the earth’s luminescence. Q. What objects A. We know pretty well how stars are born because we can observe them. Two or three new stars appear in our galaxy every year. But nearly all the galaxies were born at the same time, when the universe was constituted 15 billion (light) years ago. No new ones are thought to exist. To observe the birth of a galaxy that happened so long ago, you have to see a very long way. At present we can go back 10 to 12 billion years. We have to go a bit farther back still, and maybe catch them in the act of birth. Distant objects are necessarily very dim, so ideal conditions are needed to observe them. Orbital stations provide such conditions. Q. Would orbital stations be choice places from which to try to communicate with extra-terrestrial intelligences A. Not particularly through radio communication, except on certain wave lengths that are absorbed by the atmosphere. But as points of departure for exploration they’ll be very useful. Q. How far would such exploration go A. In 1989 the satellite Voyager Ⅱ will reach Neptune after a journey of three and a half years. In addition, five probes were sent to rendezvous with Halley’s comet. So exploration of the solar system is more or less under way. We’ve put people on the moon, sent probes to Mars and Venus, lofted satellites near the sun (within a few tens of millions of miles), and one satellite even left the solar system a few years ago. But visiting the stars is something else again. Light takes four years to reach the nearest stars, so you can see that it would take a satellite hundreds of thousands of years. Of course, if the earth were to become overpopulated, we can imagine sending families in space vessels to colonize the nearest stars. But it’s their great-great-great-grand-children who would finally reach those stars. And they wouldn’t even know where to stop. In Para. 7, the sentence "No new ones are thought to exist" means ______.

A. nobody believes that there is any new galaxy to be found soon
B. nobody believes that any new galaxy exists now
C. people are wrong to believe that new galaxies will appear
D. people believe that the galaxies are very old now


The basic flag of the United States is one of the world’s oldest national flags. Only the basic flags of Austria, Denmark, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland are older. During the discovery and settlement of what is now the United States, the flags of various European nations were flown over the land, as symbols of possession. Later, in the Colonial and Revolutionary War periods, flags representing famous persons, places, and events were flown in the American Colonies. The first official flag of the United States was created by Congress on June 14, 1777. It consisted of 13 alternate red and white stripes and 13 white stars in a field of blue, representing the 13 colonies that had declared their independence in 1776. Congress adopted a new flag of 15 stars and 15 stripes in 1795, to give representation to the two new states admitted into the Union, Vermont and Kentucky. By 1817, there were 20 states in the Union, and it became apparent that adding one stripe for each new state would destroy the shape of the flag. As a result, Congress in 1818 restored the original design of 13 stripes and provided that each state was to be represented by one star. In 1912 President William H. Taft made the first official provision for the arrangement of the stars. He ordered that there be six even rows of eight stars each. Previously the arrangement of the stars had been left to the flag-maker’s fancy. The evolution of the Stars and Stripes reflects the growth of the United States. After the admission of Hawaii into the Union in 1959, the flag was officially changed for the 26th time since its creation. There are many government flags flown in the United States in addition to the national flag. Among them are the president’s and vice president’s flags and those of the federal departments and some federal agencies. Each state in the Union has an official flag. The United States Navy uses special flags for signaling. Which of the following is true ______

All federal departments and agencies have flags of their own.
B. The newly-admitted state of Hawaii does not have an official flag.
C. No other flags than the national flag and the president’s flag are flown in the United States.
D. The United States has a number of government flags.

A film was at the Circle Five Ranch to film a Marlboro advertisement. This was in 1868, before they prohibited cigarette ads from American television. Darrle Winfield was watching the crew set up the equipment. The scene included an actor crossing a river on horseback, but when the time came to shoot, the man was too drunk to ride. Someone from the crews saw Winfield and asked him if he would ride the horse for $50. "Well," said Win-field, "for 50 bucks, I’ll jump that damn horse over the moon!" To people in many countries, Winfield is just a familiar but nameless face, a simple cow-boy with an advertising message about a connection between the West and a brand of cigarettes. Few people know that he is 55, a family man who’s been married to the same woman for 37 years and has 5 children and 7 grandchildren. Most surprisingly, he’s a real working cowboy who raises horses in his ranch in Wyoming. One of the more striking things about the Marlboro Man is that the success hasn’t changed him much. He says that complete strangers sometimes come up to him and say, "I’ve met you. I know you from somewhere." Whenever it happens, he says that he gets embarrassed. What does the word "prohibited" in the first paragraph mean ______

A. broadcast.
B. forbade.
C. produced.
D. provided.

Directions: Scan the following passage and find the words which have roughly the same meanings as those given below. The number in the brackets after each word definition refers to the number of paragraph in which the target word is. Write the word you choose on the Answer Sheet.This strategy has been highlighted by several tobacco journals which have carried articles on "targeting the female smokers" and suggesting that retailers should "look to the la-dies". Among the 20 US magazines that received the most cigarette advertising revenue in 1985, eight were women’s magazines. In the same year, a study on the cigarette advertising policies of 53 British women’s magazines (read by more than half of all British women) showed that 64 per cent of the magazines accepted cigarette advertising, which represented an average of seven per cent of total advertising revenue. Research in industrialized countries has shown the subtle method used to encourage girls to smoke. The impact of such method is likely to be even greater in developing countries, where young people are generally less knowledgeable about smoking hazards and may be more attracted by glamorous, affluent, desirable images of the female smoker. This is why WHO, together with other national and international health agencies, has repeatedly called for national legislation banning all forms of tobacco promotion, and for an appropriate "high price" policy which would slow down the "enthusiasm" of young women for tobacco consumption. Young girls and women have a right to be informed about the damage that smoking can do to their health. They also need to acquire skills to resist pressure to start smoking or to give it up. Several countries have developed integrated school and preschool health education programs which have successfully reduced girls’ smoking rates~ but this education should not be restricted to what happens in school. There are many other examples of effective cessation programs in the workplace and primary health centers. Unfortunately, many women do not have the opportunity to be involved in such programs, and programs have generally been less successful with women than men. Smoking amongst women has already reached epidemic proportions and will continue to escalate unless action is taken now. Delays can only cause further suffering and deaths of women; this is why WHO’s new program on tobacco or health is giving high priority to action to protect women and children. having plenty of money or other possessions (Para. 2)

