A. 前者更有效
B. 后者更有效
C. 两者同样有效
D. 两都无效
何老师班上的小龙,经常迟到、旷课、不完成作业,还欺负同学。在多次批评教育无效后,何老师决定到他家去一趟,向他父母告状。到小龙家时,何老师惊奇地发现他正在做家务。见到何老师,小龙吃了一惊,但还是喊了一声“老师好”后跑回房里,同小龙父母交谈后,何老师了解到小龙家庭贫困,父母每天早出晚归,疏于教导,让孩子养成了一些坏习惯。但这孩子在家还挺懂事,也能帮忙干活。于是,何老师把本来告状的话收了回来。第二天,何老师在班上表扬了小龙懂礼貌,见到老师主动问好,在家能做家务,希望同学们能像小龙学习。接下来,老师安排他负责班级卫生工作,并对他的尽职尽责及时予以表扬。没过多久,小龙在课堂上认真多了,同学关系也融洽了,还成了老师的得力助手。 问题:请从教师职业道德的角度,评析何老师的教育行为。
A. 审核客户提交的有效证件是否真实、有效,齐全
B. 柜员录入客户信息、产品类型,金额等内容是否正确
C. 开账户过程中是否有断开的情况
D. 辨别客户所提交现金的真伪
Your network includes the servers shown in the following table. Server n ame Operating s ystem Role s ervices S erver 1 Windows Server 2008 Standard TS Licensing S erver 2 Windows Server 2008Enterprise Terminal Server You install an additional server named Server3 that runs Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. You add the Remote Desktop Services (RDS) role, and you configure the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) role service. You need to ensure that RDS client access licenses (RDS CALs) can be assigned to each Remote Desktop user. What should you do?()
Add RDS CALs to Server1.
B. Specify the Remote Desktop Licensing (RD Licensing) mode on Server3.
C. Add the Remote Desktop Licensing (RD Licensing) role service to Server3.
D. Upgrade Server1 from Windows Server 2008 Standard to Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise.