

A. 城市小资产阶级的悲观失望情绪
B. 中下层资产阶级,特别是知识分子对资本主义社会的失望和不满情绪
C. 无产阶级对资本主义社会的反抗情绪
D. 大资产阶级的没落情绪


You are working as a DBA at NetFx Corporation. A user, Scott, is maintaining the records of all the employees in the EMPLOYEEtable. Initially, the salary of the employee, ’E0025’, was $1800. On 1 May 2004, the salary of the employee, ’E0025’, was increased by $200. The user, Scott, issued the following statement to modify the record of the employee, ’E0025’: SQL>UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET SALARY = 2000 WHERE EMPNO = ’E0025’; SQL>COMMIT; On December 1, 2004, the salary of the employee, ’E0025’, was increased by $400. The user, Scott, issued the following statement to modify the record of the employee, ’E0025’: SQL>UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET SALARY = 2400 WHERE EMPNO = ’E0025’; SQL>COMMIT; On July 1, 2005, the salary of the employee, ’E0025’, was increased by $500. The user, Scott, issued the following statement to modify the record of the employee, ’E0025’ SQL>UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET SALARY = 2900 WHERE EMPNO = ’E0025’; SQL>COMMIT; On July 5, 2005, the HR manager asked you to generate the increment report of the employee, ’E0025’, for the period between 1 May 2004 and 1 July 2005. Which flashback feature will you use to generate the increment report?()

A. Flashback Drop
B. Flashback Table
C. Flashback Database
D. Flashback Version Query



A. 前方列车
B. 车队长
C. 机调室

