某旅游团按计划应于9月8日12:30乘飞机飞往M市。由于票务人员的疏忽,为该团订错了航班,起飞时间为8日16:00。7日早餐后,该团旅游者获悉航班改变的消息,反映强烈,稍后便通过领队向地陪提出口头投诉。旅游团中一位旅游者声称,曾向航空公司询问,回答是原航班有票。 请问:
Users complain about the slow response time of queries. While investigating the cause you find that the Oracle Instance is not configured to cache all of the data blocks to satisfy the users’queries. Which component of the Oracle Instance would you change to improve performance?()
A. Java pool
B. Large pool
C. Shared pool
D. Streams pool
E. Library cache
F. Redo log buffer
G. Data dictionary cache
H. Database buffer cache
A. 偷税罪
B. 抗税罪
C. 妨害公务罪
D. 故意伤害罪
A. 选择性因素,功能性因素,结构性因素
B. 选择性因素,功能性因素,即时性因素
C. 选择性因素,功能性因素,延缓性因素