A. 左键单击标题栏右端的关闭按钮
B. 输入Close命令后按回车键
C. 左键双击标题栏左端的控制按钮
D. 输入Exit命令后按回车键
A. 正确
B. 错误
You are developing an application that performs file backups in the background. The background application will host a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service and must be active as soon as the machine is running. The background application will not have a user interface. A front-end application will consume the WCF service and will provide the user interface.You need to choose a host environment for the WCF service. Which hosting environment should you choose? ()
A. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0
B. Windows Process Activation Services (WAS)
C. A Windows Forms application
D. A Windows Service
1996年,北京某高校教师辞职到日本留学,毕业后就职于一家日本公司。2000年8月,该人在日本东京不幸遇车祸身亡。遇害人亲属到日本作了后事处理,获赔款折合人民币80余万元。 为继承这笔存款,死者的父母与死者的妻子、儿子产生争议,遂诉诸法律,提起诉讼。本案应适用何地法律作为准据法?