The human skin forms ______against the action of physical, chemical, and bacterial agents
A. how protective a barrier is
B. a protective barrier
C. a barrier protects
D. and which a barrier protects
The twentieth century has been a period of enormous growth in mathematical research and in
A. they require
B. requiring
C. require
D. as required
A.She has completed her projectB.She needs some help finishing the projectC.Her economi
A. She has completed her project
B. She needs some help finishing the project
C. Her economics class no longer meets
D. The man should not touch the project until it is finished
A. 甲某被虐待,杀死丈夫后被判处无期徒刑,在监狱中发现有人密谋杀死看守越狱,就悄悄报告了管教人员,从而将打算进行犯罪的人捕获,人民法院认为甲某杀死其丈夫的手段过于残忍,不同意对其减刑
B. 乙某被羁押3个月后被依法判处无期徒刑,后在监狱中表现非常良好,人民法院裁定减刑为有期徒刑,并将其以前被羁押的时间抵扣减刑后的有期徒刑刑期
C. 丙某被假释后舍己救人,在抗洪救灾中抢救了5人,人民法院没有对其适用减刑
D. 丁某犯有盗窃罪,在1997年12月27日执行完3年的有期徒刑,2001年11月9日因为抢劫罪被判处4年有期徒刑,但在行刑期间劳动时跳到江水中救2名落水儿童,人民法院经过最高人民法院批准,裁定适用假释
A. 正确
B. 错误