It's important to some people to wear only the latest fashions and styles. For others, though, keeping up with the _______ isn't that important.
A. tradition
B. condition
C. trend
D. trait
In the English language there are quite a number of words known as "loanwords"(外来语)or "borrowings." In other words, they _______from other languages.
A. arrive
B. receive
C. perceive
D. derive
You can buy (almost everything) on _______, so long as you're sure you can pay the monthly installment.
A. credit
B. money
C. application
D. website
Many migrant workers who leave their children behind in the countryside feel _______ about having failed to perform their role as parents.
A. thank
B. debt
C. guilt
D. innocence
When Mom _______ the early days of their marriage, she couldn't help wondering how they had managed on with so little money then.
A. dated back
B. dated to
C. looked onto
D. looked back on