
已知某电路的诺顿等效电路中的短路电流 I sc=4A,等效电阻 Req=6Ω,当负载满足最大功率匹配条件下,可获得的最大功率为 _________W。


已知某含源一端口网络中的电源发出的功率为 50W,负载所吸收的功率 PL=20W,那么该网络的传输效率 =_______。

Hello, nice to meet you, Mrs. Waters.1______me. Are you Mr. Baker from England?I'm Jack Green from2._______. Here is my card.Glad to meet you, Paul. Here is my card.Nice to see you again, Jack. Let's3._______WeChat, OK?Welcome to our 4._______, Dick.Hi, long time no see. Do you remember me?What a 5._________to see you here!Oh, it's you,6.________Kong. Nice to see you again.My name is Richard Washington. Please call me Richard.A. CanadaB. addC. collegeD. surpriseE. PresidentF.Excuse

浸润麻醉使用的局部麻醉药是( )

A. 0.5%盐酸普鲁卡因
B. 2%的普鲁卡因
C. 1%的盐酸丁卡因
D. 2%的盐酸丁卡因

具有M受体阻断作用的药物是( )

A. 肾上腺素
B. 毛果芸香碱
C. 阿托品
D. 氨甲酰甲胆碱
