会计的核算职能是指会计以货币为主要计量单位,对特定主体的经济活动进行确认、计量和报告。( )
A. 对
B. 错
会计的监督职能是指对特定主体经济活动和相关会计核算的真实性、合法性和合理性进行审查。( )
A. 对
B. 错
Price is one of indispensable (必不可少的) elements of marketing mix. Pricing a product must follow the principle: the price must be high enough to cover costs and make a profit, but low enough to attract customers. There are a number of pricing strategies. The most commonly used are:• Cost pricing (成本定价法): this is the most common form of pricing. Costs are totaled and a margin (利润) is added on for profit to make the total price.• Market penetration pricing (市场渗透定价法):charging a low price, possibly not quite covering costs, to gain a position in the market.
下列各组社会意识形式中,全部属于非意识形态的是( )
A. 自然科学、逻辑学、语言学
B. 政治思想、语言学、道德
C. 法律思想、逻辑学、宗教 C技术科学、哲学、艺术