
What’s the main purpose of the money from scholarships and loans?

A. To save the money for personal use.
B. To pay for school and necessary things.
C. To freely spend it on anything you wish.


Why should college students use credit cards wisely?

A. To get more financial credit when in college.
B. To get experience of using credit cards in college.
C. To avoid huge credit card debts when they graduate.

领导者的明显特征不包括( )

A. 有个人魅力
B. 善于利用组织各种资源
C. 对组织目标非常清晰
D. 有较高的职位权力

“士为知己者死”说明有效的领导始于( )

A. 上下级之间的友情
B. 为下属设定崇高的目标
C. 为了下属的利益不惜牺牲自己
D. 了解下属的欲望和需求

砂子筛分试验中,试样总重是500g,4.75mm筛的筛余量为5g,2.36mm筛的筛余量为50g,2.36mm累计筛余百分率和通过百分率分别为( )。

A. 11%,89%
B. 10%,90%
C. 1%,99%
D. 10%,89%
