

A. 血色鲜红
B. 痰中有血
C. 咯血前有喉部痒感,咳嗽
D. 咯出酸性物
E. 有肺结核病史



A. 咳嗽声音嘶哑
B. 金属音调咳嗽
C. 犬吠样咳嗽
D. 咳嗽声音低微
E. 阵发性痉挛性咳嗽

The subject of the lawsuit, or one can say the reason that the plaintiff has started the lawsuit, is called:

A. complaint
B. cause of action
C. defense
D. pleadings

The power of a court to hear a case is:

A. the jurisdiction of that court
B. decision
C. the power to make new laws
D. ruling

Which statement is correct?

A. The purpose of criminal cases is not only to punish the accused person, but also to protect the rights of society as a whole.
B. Criminal cases are lawsuits brought by an individual or a company.
C. The person who starts the criminal cases is called the prosecutor and is representing the government.
D. The person accused of the crime is called the defendant.
