

A. 对
B. 错


Turn the following sentences into English, using as many of the words and phrases you have learned from the text as possible:1. 史密斯太太对我抱怨说, 她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。

Turn the following sentences into English, using as many of the words and phrases you have learned from the text as possible:2. 我坚信, 阅读简写的(simplified)英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。

Turn the following sentences into English, using as many of the words and phrases you have learned from the text as possible:除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读。

Turn the following sentences into English, using as many of the words and phrases you have learned from the text as possible:若需要填写多个空,每个空之间需要手动敲 一个空格:如:writing summer我们从可靠的消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语。We’ve(learn) the reliable sources that a (native) is going to teach us spoken English next term.
