Everything ________ into consideration, I propose that the first prize should be given to
A. to take
B. taking
C. taken
D. took
A. withdrawn
B. cancel
C. withdrawing
D. cancelling
A. 离开特种作业岗位达3个月以上的特种作业人员,应当重新进行实际操作考核,经确认合格后方可上岗作业
B. 取得《特种作业人员操作证》者,每两年进行1次复审
C. 连续从事本工种10年以上的,经用人单位进行知识更新教育后,每4年复审1次
D. 未按期复审或复审不合格者,其操作证自行失效
A. due
B. apt
C. plan
D. rather
In selecting a material, the engineer’s interest is in its properties which determine how
A. where
B. which
C. in which
D. to which