Where will the event take place?
What will you learn about if you go to this event?
Discuss your ideas with a partner.
Announcing an exam timetable.
B. Congratulating your best friend on his / her graduation.
C. Inviting a friend to your house for a coffee.
D. Informing participants about the time and place of a conference.
E. Changing the time and day of a lecture.
F. Asking for sick leave.
A. 个人理想以社会理想为指引
B. 社会理想是个人理想的汇聚和升华
C. 二者相互联系、相互影响、相互制约
D. 社会理想从属于个人理想
A. 信念完全是情感的产物
B. 信念是认知、情感、意志的有机统一体
C. 信念缺少多样性
D. 信念只凭认知就可以形成