
When Jim purchased the land five years ago, he had a scenario that included potential()of it to a holiday resort.

A. divertion
B. convertion
C. innovation
D. conservation


There seems to be no debate about the()that the world will be warmer and warmer if we keep pumping large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

A. preposition
B. proposition
C. persuasion
D. perception

Denise has a worsening eye problem that leaves her unable to drive. (), she recently fell and broke her ankle and has to use a wheelchair now to get around her house.

A. To keep things as bad
B. To make things worsening
C. To put bad things together
D. To make matters worse

()that his eldest son had a drug addiction and liked to use painkillers and different medications.

A. There' s no secret
B. There isn't secret
C. It's no secret
D. It's not a secret

The smiling champion said she was lucky()she came along at a time when there were places where she could learn and people who would give her the opportunity to learn.

A. in that
B. given that
C. provided that
D. now that
