Since 1994, the United States Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture have required nearly all food to carry a foodindicating the amounts of calories, , protein, fat, and fiber perto make it easy for consumers to make healthful choices.
In an effort to provide additional guidance and reduce the incidence of diet-related cancers, the National Cancer Institute developed the 5-a-Day Campaign for Better Health, a program that the practice of eating five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Studies of populations that eat many fruits and vegetables a decreased incidence of diet-related cancers. Laboratory studies have shown that many fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals,that appear to the growth of cancer cells.
A. 正弦值sinα
B. 余弦值cosα
C. 正切值tanα
D. 余切值cotα
A. 连接两相交直线
B. 连接两圆弧
C. 连接直线与圆弧
A. 对
B. 错