
In adult, the lower end of spinal cord is at the level of()

A. inferior border of L1
B. superior border of L1
C. inferior border of L2
D. superior border of L2
E. inferior border of L3 vertebral body


Which one is correct about the ganglion()

A. It’s in the central nervous system
B. It’s collection of nerve fibers
C. The ganglion in the central nervous system is also called nucleus
D. It’s collection of neuronal cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system
E. It’s an admixture of nerve cell bodies and their processes

The spinothalamic tract conducts()

A. the superficial sensation of the head and neck
B. the superficial sensation of the trunk and limbs
C. the deep sensation of the head and neck
D. the proprioceptive sensation of the trunk and limbs
E. the movement of the trunk and limbs

Which one is correct about the white matter()

A. It’s in the peripheral nervous system
B. It’s collection of nerve fibers in the central nervous system
C. It’s in the surface of cerebrum and cerebellum
D. It is located only in the deep of the brain
E. It’s an admixture of nerve cell bodies and their processes

Which one is correct about the gray matter()

A. It’s in the central nervous system
B. It’s in the peripheral nervous system
C. It’s belong to reticular formation
D. It is collection of axons of nerve cells
E. It is located only in the deep of the brain
