If for any reason you are not able to meet the deadline for applications, please inform us immediately by email with details concerning your situation.
A. 无论何种原因,若你未能在截止日期前提交申请,请立即发电子邮件将详情告知我 们。
B. 如果由于某种原因你不能满足这个要求,请立即用电子邮件通知我们,以便另做安 排。 如 g 你实在无法出席这次会议,我们可以在会后用电子邮件把会议相关情况告诉你。
Available research shows that more than half of people who are currently employed are considering getting a new job.
A. 现有的研究表明,一半以上的就业人员都想要申请一份理想的工作。
B. 现有的研究显示,目前一半以上的就业人员正在考虑找一份新工作。
C. 现有的研究说明,现在有一半以上的年轻人希望从事高科技的工作。
We employ over 100,000 employees nationwide, whose goal is to deliver the highest level of service and improve the customer experience.
A. 我们在全国聘用了 10 多万员工,他们的目标是提供最高水平服务并改善客户体验。
B. 我们公司员工积极参加业务培训,10 几万员工中有许多人都获得了专业技术证书。
C. 我们 10 多万员工分布在全国各地,他们尽了自己最大的努力向客户提供优质产品。
If I ___________his email address, I would have sent him a message yesterday.
A. know
B. knew
C. had known
D. have known
Only after secretary saw the train disappear in sight,_____ the railway station.
A. he lives
B. has he left
C. he left
D. did he leave