8051 single chip microcomputer allows five interrupt sources to request interrupt, which can be shielded by software, that is, IE is used to control the permission and prohibition of interrupt
When the system of MCS-51 is reset, the lower four bits of TMOD mode control register are all 0.
A. 对
B. 错
Five interrupt sources of. 8051 MCU have interrupt request input pins on the chip.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 静止土压力、主动土压力、被动土压力
B. 主动土压力、被动土压力
C. 静止土压力、主动土压力
D. 静止土压力、被动土压力
A. 被动土压力最小,静止土压力最大;
B. 主动土压力最小,被动土压力最大;
C. 静止土压力最小,被动土压力最大;
D. 被动土压力最小,主动土压力最大。